Senin, 19 Juli 2010

Watching L-Men Hunt 2010 =D

Yeah, last night was the grand final for L-Men Hunt 2010. L-men Hunt is just like a Ms. Universe contest, but for man, and held by L-Men. L-Men is a brand known for its product, milk drinking for building muscle on men. (sorry for my bad pharase >.<).

there are a lot of handsome and muscled boys!! I like them who came from East Java n one more, but I'm forget.
I watched for the event on TV last night, just for a while, around 1 hour. Then I went to slept. Tomorrow (today) I have a class on 7 pm.

Emm, but I think the event is less interesting than the 2008 L-Men Hunt. There were more handsome and smart and sexy guys on 2008 L-Men Hunt. LOL XD

U know what, my boyfriend got jealous when I told him I was watching L-Men HUnt!!
He told me to change the program :P

Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

My Beauty Stuff: Etude Blackhead Off Oil EX

I'm in LOVE with you

YES, I fall in love with my boyfriend. I never have such a MR. Nice Guy like him.

His friends, even his ex. Told me that he IS a good person. I must keep him, make him happy.

I asked one of his friends why there where so many people told me to make him happy. His friend said, it means there are a lot of people who love him.

That's why, I responsible for his life and happiness since he really depends on me (u can say, I am is his life).

Maybe it seems a burden for a girl like me. But i think the opposite that I'm a burden for him. He always there for me. Anything he can do for me.He is very truthful (like one of his ex said) to me..

Even he knew that I was angry to him (some minutes ago), he looking for journals that I needed for my final tasks T.T *sob, so sweet, huh??

I'm so glad to have a boyfriend like him. We really want to get married soon =D

I would be his "home", everyday. A home where he can find peace in this crazy world.

A lipstick can (not really exactly) ruin a date!!

Yeah, seperti judul di atas. Sebuah lipstick bisa menghancurkan sebuah kencan. Memang...

Huaa, kemaren jalan2 sama dia, terus liat2 di stand Maybelline. Lagi diskon 20%, dan warnanya gw belum punya. Gw minta dibeliin, yaa dia ga ada duit. Ya ga masalah c, wajar laa

Tapi pas gw kekeuh mau beliii. Dia bilang gw kok ga bisa ngontrol diri bgt. Beli bulan depan kan bisa. Dan detik itu juga gw diem, berhenti merengek2. Dan detik itu juga, sampe gw pulang, sampe malam, dan sampe siang ini. Gw diem, males ngomong sama dia. Ga salah c dia ngomong. Cuma, yah, gw ngebet banget. Hik hik

sampe sekarang masih kepikiran tuh lipstick. Dan sampe sekarang juga gw masih diem...

Dan daripada ga ada gawe. Gw upload gambar2 makeup gw ke blog ini. Mau gw buat review. Yaah, tadinya gambarnya mau gw foto sendiri. Tapi hasilnya soo horrible, gw putus asa. Dan, akhirnya gw ambil aja dari web dan blog orang lain. Please dont be angry to me :P

My Beauty Stuff: The Skin Food Blackbean Eyeliner Pencil #1 Black

My Beauty Stuff: Maybelline Cat Eyes Mascara

My Beauty Stuff: Maybelline Clear Smooth Face Powder