Senin, 19 Juli 2010

Watching L-Men Hunt 2010 =D

Yeah, last night was the grand final for L-Men Hunt 2010. L-men Hunt is just like a Ms. Universe contest, but for man, and held by L-Men. L-Men is a brand known for its product, milk drinking for building muscle on men. (sorry for my bad pharase >.<).

there are a lot of handsome and muscled boys!! I like them who came from East Java n one more, but I'm forget.
I watched for the event on TV last night, just for a while, around 1 hour. Then I went to slept. Tomorrow (today) I have a class on 7 pm.

Emm, but I think the event is less interesting than the 2008 L-Men Hunt. There were more handsome and smart and sexy guys on 2008 L-Men Hunt. LOL XD

U know what, my boyfriend got jealous when I told him I was watching L-Men HUnt!!
He told me to change the program :P

Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

My Beauty Stuff: Etude Blackhead Off Oil EX

I'm in LOVE with you

YES, I fall in love with my boyfriend. I never have such a MR. Nice Guy like him.

His friends, even his ex. Told me that he IS a good person. I must keep him, make him happy.

I asked one of his friends why there where so many people told me to make him happy. His friend said, it means there are a lot of people who love him.

That's why, I responsible for his life and happiness since he really depends on me (u can say, I am is his life).

Maybe it seems a burden for a girl like me. But i think the opposite that I'm a burden for him. He always there for me. Anything he can do for me.He is very truthful (like one of his ex said) to me..

Even he knew that I was angry to him (some minutes ago), he looking for journals that I needed for my final tasks T.T *sob, so sweet, huh??

I'm so glad to have a boyfriend like him. We really want to get married soon =D

I would be his "home", everyday. A home where he can find peace in this crazy world.

A lipstick can (not really exactly) ruin a date!!

Yeah, seperti judul di atas. Sebuah lipstick bisa menghancurkan sebuah kencan. Memang...

Huaa, kemaren jalan2 sama dia, terus liat2 di stand Maybelline. Lagi diskon 20%, dan warnanya gw belum punya. Gw minta dibeliin, yaa dia ga ada duit. Ya ga masalah c, wajar laa

Tapi pas gw kekeuh mau beliii. Dia bilang gw kok ga bisa ngontrol diri bgt. Beli bulan depan kan bisa. Dan detik itu juga gw diem, berhenti merengek2. Dan detik itu juga, sampe gw pulang, sampe malam, dan sampe siang ini. Gw diem, males ngomong sama dia. Ga salah c dia ngomong. Cuma, yah, gw ngebet banget. Hik hik

sampe sekarang masih kepikiran tuh lipstick. Dan sampe sekarang juga gw masih diem...

Dan daripada ga ada gawe. Gw upload gambar2 makeup gw ke blog ini. Mau gw buat review. Yaah, tadinya gambarnya mau gw foto sendiri. Tapi hasilnya soo horrible, gw putus asa. Dan, akhirnya gw ambil aja dari web dan blog orang lain. Please dont be angry to me :P

My Beauty Stuff: The Skin Food Blackbean Eyeliner Pencil #1 Black

My Beauty Stuff: Maybelline Cat Eyes Mascara

My Beauty Stuff: Maybelline Clear Smooth Face Powder

My Beauty Stuff: Palgantong Morning Set

My Beauty Stuff: Missha Perfect Cover Shade #21 and #23

My Beauty Stuff: Baviphat BB Primer Fix

Yeah, aku dapet samplenya dari supplier gw waktu dia bagi2 sample. Iseng2, karena waktu itu juga aku baru beli (lagi, sebelumnya yg shade #21) missha pc #23. Dan ntah kenapa, nih missha rasanya kering, pori2 jadi besar, dll pokoknya ga enak. Kebetulan juga aku dapet sample Innisfree pure green tea cream yang fungsinya juga sebagai pelembab.

Aku coba pakai pas kuliah. Pertama Innisfreenya dulu buat pelembabnya (tetep perlu lho). Terus, baru nih primer. Hemm, wanginya enak lho. Terus pas dioles, dari cream putih berubah kayak glowing pink gt. Tapi pas udah di apply efeknya di wajah biasa kok warnanya, ga nampak2 pink gt :P

Terus baru ku aplly missha pc ku (kemudian teteup pake bedak, Maybelline Clear Smooth in Natural or Light).Dan hasilnya, voila!!!
Sebelumnya, aku cuma pake pelembab regulerku plus missha pc yang hasilnya horrible: kayak menghitam, pori gede (kalo udah sampe rumah aps malemnya), agak kering, walo tetep feel smooth.

Waktu dicoba pure green tea cream innisfree + baviphat bb primer fix + missha pc + maybelline clear smooth powder. Hasilnya wajahku kerasa amat sangat lembuuut :D
Makeupku tahan lama, ga perlu retouch seharian, yang berminyak paling bagian hidung (biasa lah ya). Kulit lembab, pori2 ga nampak besar :)

Pokoknya TOP deh kombinasi ini, primer ini lumayan kalo kata aku :)
Harganya juga ga begitu mahal dan awet.

Yaa, ini aku coba sample c. Belum beli yang full size. Udah terlanjur beli Dr. Oil sama Moistfull *ngejar ready stock :P

My Beauty Stuff: Innisfree Green Tea Pure Cream

My Beauty Stuff: Etude Peach Cheek Blusher #3 Happy Pink

Hello, this is my first functional blusher I have. Above u can see all the swatches of Etude Peach Cheek Blusher. My own is #3 Happy Pink.

I am not to understand about how to choose a correct shade for u. But, the most important for me is matte finish. I don't like glittery or girly-like finish, since I almost everyday all day long going out, and have oily skin too. It would look strange if u looking to someone face and found some glitters there.

And here I found this Peach Cheek Blusher. How to use? Simple, stamp it on your apple cheek. Then tap for finish (if not, u will look like a clown). The shade I chose is the most pale pink, I chose it to avoid if the blush would look weird on my yellow-tone skin >.<

Peach Cheek Blusher is the one and only matte blusher beyond Etude House product. It is matte, but not really pigmented (#3 shade) on me, has a quite long staying power. To make the colour appear on me, I stamp the blusher 10x on each cheek!! WOW!!

But this is a nice blusher. Has a nice smell, and looks very natural on me =D

My Beauty Stuff: The Skin Food Rice Tip Concealer #23

This is my second stuff from The Skin Food. At that time I was looking for a good-but-cheap concealer for covering my under eye area. I searched the Skin Food website for further information, and I'm read a review from someone else blog about this concealer. About the coverage, the color, stay power. It seems promising. So at the next GO I order this from my beauty supplier.

Since my skin is yellow tone, I choose for shade #23. Tips for me, you better choose a concealer which 1 tone darker from ur real skin tone. A too-light concealer (especially if u put it on your under eye area) will make u look older. And just put on small amount. Too much concealer will make ur face look cakey, creating a fine line-look like. I put this concealer after my BB cream. And, this concealer works for me. But I noticed that if I put too much on my eyelid to, my face looks pale. After all, this is a good concealer. I thin the coverage is sheer-medium. I have a clear skin. Even I had a small pimple, or acne scars, I NEVER conceal it. I let those "disturbing stuff" just-like-that. I ever tried to conceal it, and the black-spot (acne scars) look worse, they looked darker. So, I just let it be. The black-spot or small pimple will disappear by itself and I got my clear skin back :)

And FYI, this concealer is the cheapest among those in Rice Concealer (the Skin Food) line. I would buy this again if my current concealer running out. This concealer is long last too :)

My Beauty Stuff: Etude House Dr. Oil Solution Shine Free Dual Primer

Yes, this is the picture of Dr. Oil Soluton Shine Free Dual Face Primer which I bought (again) from my beauty supplier. Luckily (again) she had it ready stock. I really need it, because my BB Cream Missha PC looks very ugly without a primer on my face.

This is the whole shot of the primer appearence. I took this picture from someone else's blog. Her name is Ting Ting, from UK. Have I told u how desperate I am for taking all my beauty stuff picture which ended in misserable result? (I tried to take those pics using my camera phone, and badly too, my room is quite dark even in afternoon).

and this the pore which I will describe later on this post. The pore cover is located at the bottom of the tube. Open the lid n u will find it :)

Well, lets start.
The tube, which contains the primer. The primer came in a white liquid. Not creamy, just like a lotion. Spread it onto your face. Then use the pore cover onto areas which ur pores looks large. This pore cover is useful to make ur large pore appear smoother and smaller. I usually put this around my nose and chin (this is a habit, right?)

What I can say about this primer is. When first application, my face getting darker for a while (after use this primer, I apply my Missha PC #23), then turn into my real skin color. My skin tone is yellow tone, and tend to be oily. That's why I love to use product which has a good oil control. This primer make my Missha PC much easier to apply (Missha PC has quite thick texture),so the finish looks very natural on my skin. It looks like that I'm not wearing anything, barely bare face. My pores looks very minimal (thanks to the pore cover, which contains silicon to fill in our pores so it will looks smoother). My makeup is long last,all day long, I don't need to retouch except for my nose area.

I LOVE IT. It makes may skin appear so smooth and flawless. Better put some moisturizer so wont dried ur skin :)
And one more plus, IT IS CHEAP (the price) regarding on its excellent quality ^^

My Beauty Stuff: Etude Moistfull Special Set - Moisturizing and Firming

Since I'm looking a great moisturizer which cheaper than Innisfree Greentea Pure Cream, I decided that Moistfull cream is the choice. Luckily that my beauty supplier has it ready stock. And I bought this one with the primer too (Dr. Oil).
I bought this special set, which consist of Moistfull Cream 50ml and Massage Mask 30ml.

Moistfull ini lembab sekali, apalagi berbentuk cream, cocok untuk kulit kering. Tapi aku pakai ini, karena untuk ngimbangin Dr. Oil Face Primer dan Missha PC yang oil controlnya lumayan kenceng. Kalo ga gitu, nanti wajahku bisa - bisa kering kerontang dan pori2 membesar...

Pake Moistfull ini ga usah banyak2, dikit aja secukupnyaudah bikin kulit kamu terasa moiiiiisttt.. BGT. Kalo kebanyakan jadi lengket, rasanya aneh dan bisa bikin jerawatan. Wanginya enak, wadahnya juga bagus.

Kalo massage masknya, biasanya aku pake jadi sleeping pack. Pagi baru dibilas, lumayan lembut dan bikin cerah kulit (karena lembabnya ituu). Kalau beneran dipake sebagai massage mask, cukup di oles secukupnya, di massage 5 menit terus dibilas pake air anget. Begitu juga kalo sebagai sleeping pack, paginya dibias dengan air anget.

Well, besoknya aku pake bareng dengan Dr. Oil Shine Free Dual Face Primer. Hasilnya tidak se-smooth kombinasi innisfree pure green tea cream + Baviphat BB primer fix. Mungkin aku pakenya terlalu banyak dan jadinya malah lembab2 lengket begitu --_--"

Overall, lumayan bagus deh, tapi masih lebih bagus yang Innisfree :)

Pernah nyobain yang Moistfull Collagen Cream, ini beneran mantapp :)
Bagusnya dipake di siang hari sebagai pelembab. Kalo dipake malem terlalu berat di kulit, malah bikin pori membesar dan bisa jadi bruntusan.

Kalo yang ini habis, nanti mau ganti sama yang Innisfree
*walo lebih mahal T.T

For many times, and finally...

For many times, and finally. I decided to create a blog. I opt this is to be my secret diary. No one knows about this blog. So i would feel free to spill anything that i kept inside my heart in my daily life.

Since this is my first "really-want-to make a blog" blog, I still didnt find the "right things". Like design, template, opening words, or else.

I realized that anyone can read my blog easily, since this blog where published online. But, it doesn't matter. They don't know who I am.

Yeah, they don't know who I am. It's really important. Since this blog will full with words which come from my deepest heart and thougt :)

Sure, you will find this blog confusing. Because I will changing the title or something else, depending on my moods at that time :)

This blog will bilingual too, since I speak Indonesian n English. Depends in which language I will easier to share :)

Oh yeah. Do you a comic titled I AM HERE by EMA TOYAMA?? This is one of my favorite comics :)